General Getty Park Playground Make-Over!
The playground at General Getty Park got a make-over! Montgomery Parks has updated the playground to include fun play structures for kids of all ages. A committee of neighbors worked together with Parks' staff to develop the design that includes obstacles suited to build strength and coordination. Of course, the park was also designed to create community and be FUN! See you on the swings!
Beltway Expansion Concerns
In late 2017, Gov. Larry Hogan unveiled a proposal to widen I-495 and I-270 through a public-private partnership, in which private financing is reimbursed by revenue from new toll lanes. As a result of intense public scrutiny, formal environmental review processes began in March 2018, and are ongoing. FECA has been very involved with other community, regional, and state organizations, as well as elected officials, to make sure that these processes are conducted lawfully and in good faith. This should include analysis of all alternatives to best improve traffic congestion and mobility in our region.
Find the most current project status here:
Citizens Against Beltway Expansion (CABE):
Traffic Safety in the Neighborhood
Forest Estates is is adjacent to two arterial roads maintained by the Maryland State Highway Administration (MD-97 Georgia Avenue and MD-193 University Boulevard) as well as I-495, the Capital Beltway. However, our tree-lined neighborhood streets - most with sidewalks - have a speed limit of 25 mph, and are well-maintained by the Montgomery County Department of Transportation.
We advocate for safety improvements in our neighborhood, and recently ensured the painting of high-visibility crosswalks following a road repaving project in our neighborhood. Please be mindful of your behavior when driving, biking, and walking and be respectful of all road users!
We support Montgomery County Vision Zero which aims to eliminate traffic-related deaths in the County by 2030.
Open Streets Montgomery
FECA is one of the lead organizations in Open Streets Montgomery, a coalition of organizations that is advocating to re-purpose underused or unused street spaces during COVID for activities such as outdoor dining, bike lanes, and recreation. We've been partnering with the State Highway Administration, the Montgomery County Department of Transportation, and Montgomery Parks on projects all over the county, with a particular focus on areas where there aren't many outdoor amenities and a large number of people live nearby.
Follow the group activity on Facebook.
Questions? Contact Alison Gillespie.
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Boxes Delivered Here
Our Farmers Market may be on hiatus during the pandemic, but the farm that supplies it also provides a weekly CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box drop-off in our neighborhood! Every week, Calvert Farm, based in Rising Sun, MD, drops off boxes of fresh, delicious seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables. Interested? Contact Farmer Pam at Check out their Facebook page, too!
Forest Estates Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Forest Estates Neighbors Helping Neighbors (FENHN) provides a responsible, safe, service that links neighbors needing assistance with fellow neighbors who are volunteering to help during the COVID-19 pandemic. Assistance is for Forest Estates residents who are sick, at high-risk, or otherwise need to stay home. Volunteers provide grocery shopping assistance and pick up and deliver medications, among others activities. Volunteers also are available to call or email neighbors who feel lonely or anxious, have health conditions, or would like to connect with a caring neighbor. In addition, FENHN shares timely, relevant resources through the FECA listerv. Please contact FENHN at 301-478-4472 or
Forest Estates Task Force for Racial Justice
On June 7, 2020, over 63 neighbors joined virtually to grieve George Floyd's death. We expressed concern over police brutality and systemic racism and uncovered a desire to create a just community in Forest Estates for Black and Brown neighbors, and the Forest Estates Task Force for Racial Justice was born. It is led by a multi-generational neighborhood group of volunteers. Its mission: "to become a welcoming, inclusive, respectful community concerned with each other's safety and well-being." We focus on education, stimulating dialogue on racial equity, and advocacy. All neighbors whose values align with our mission are welcome to join us.
Contact Karen Maricheau ( or Mary Liepold ( to learn more.
Alternatives to Calling the Police
301-738-2255: Suicide Prevention Hotline
240-777-4000: Crisis Hotline
240-777-4000: Mobile Crisis Unit
301-738-2255 (24/7): EveryMind Mental Wellness Hotline
Forest Estates Mosquito Control Program
The Forest Estates Mosquito Control Program is a volunteer community effort to reduce the local invasive Tiger mosquito population without the use of pesticides. Participation includes removing standing water and deploying non-chemical mosquito traps in our yards.
For more information, please visit